"First Manual for Raising Children"

In Mother Gopi Gita's Leadership Parenting we may have the first manual for raising children. It dives deeply into many ways children have been reared over the years and points out how these have affected our children's lives. We learn how positive reinforcement, without over indulgence or exaggerated praise, can move our children to be the best they can be. By finding the child's strengths and allowing them to express their inner natures allows them to take on the challenges the world sets before them.

The style how the book is presented, with the focus on the bhakti tradition, leads us through a wonderful journey. This ancient bhakti tradition is steeped in a loving process, where we not only flourish materially but also find our inner spiritual voice, which guides us to our ultimate goal of truly understanding our real self.

I hope you gain as much as I have from this book and share it's wisdom with whomever you can.

Robert Mavin
Rtadhvaja Swami
Board of Directors for BANA, & NACPO

Gopi Gita